What It Takes to Be the Best Prison Mentor©

Being able to sit back and have people listen to you is a great feeling. To be able to have murderers, rapists, child molesters, thieves, violent gang members, millionaires, and billionaire CEOs listen to you is a GIFT! One of the most challenging aspects of being a prison mentor is not judging the incarcerated men […]


How I Became a Mentor to Fatherless Youth, At-Risk Youth, and Teens©

I have been asked by my followers and by families of the incarcerated, “Leonard, how did you get into mentoring the youth?” Well, back in 2004, when my class really took off, I had grown close to the 30+ men who I was mentoring. They all had children, ages 5-10. I would be on a […]


The 10 Common Reasons Why Inmates Come Back to Prison or Don’t Make It Once Released, Part One©

The following is a discussion I had with the younger inmates I mentor, ages 18-25, on the morning of December 9, 2022. “Good morning, men. What we last talked about was some reasons why 10 out of 25 men in this mentoring program came back to prison after being released no more than 6-12 months […]


The 10 Common Reasons Why Inmates Come Back to Prison or Don’t Make It Once Released, Part Two©

Here is the second part of the excerpt from my class of younger inmates, ages 18-25. Ten of the 25 men in one of my mentoring groups came back to prison – all within 6-12 months after being released. Here is what I said to the class: “Good morning, men. It’s Saturday morning, December 10, […]


Stop Wasting Precious Time©

The following is an excerpt from my mentoring class for the older men, ages 40-60. “Good morning, gentlemen! The year 2022 is almost over. Most of you in this room, including me, are over the age of 40. We have lost friends, family, a lot of money, precious time, and guess what we all have […]


Some Great Black Women Who Many Younger Inmates Don’t Know About©

Today, January 17, 2023, I met with my younger mentees, ages 18-25. We were supposed to go over the pre-GED test that the mentorship has been helping them with. But when I walked into the room, they were all loud and talking about which black female celebrity had the biggest butt, prettiest face, and who […]


The Beauty an Incarcerated Man Has with a Good Woman in His Life©

The following is an excerpt from my mentoring class for the younger inmates, ages 18-25. “Okay, men, calm down. I just walked into the room, and I could hear all of you down the hall arguing loudly over whose woman looks the best, whose woman is sending the most money, etc. That is childish talk, […]


A Determined Horse

The following is an excerpt from my email mentoring work with my at-risk youth and teens. It’s a short, inspirational story that I share with the youth who tell me they are feeling depressed, and feel that their family and peers have given up on them. A child or young person should never feel this […]